Prayer Against the Corona Virus


Almighty Master, Holy King, Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, we
are unable to grasp the fullness of your wisdom. You have filled your creation with blessings for
us, that we may have an abundance of life, but also with elements dangerous to us, for you have
given us a short life because of the weakness and frailty of our nature. In these days, O Lord,
we cry out to you in our suffering from an invisible viral enemy. Grant, O Lord, that we may
endure this affliction in faith, remembering your name day and night, knowing that you are
compassionate, merciful and loving. Be present and comfort those for whom this illness may
lead to death; be present with the doctors and nurses and all who are called to aid in the fight
against this disease; and be present with those of us who may suffer bodily weakness and pain
and humble us in our prideful sense of invincibility. Strengthen us in our spiritual struggle, even
as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. With your prophet David, we pray, “we
are greatly distressed. But let us fall into the hand of God, whose mercy is great, rather than into
human hands.” O Physician of souls and bodies, you chastise yet raise up those who fall, and
restore those who have been cast down. You cure the afflictions of our bodies. We ask you, our
God, visit with your mercy your fearfully afflicted servants. Forgive them every transgression,
whether committed voluntarily or involuntarily. Yes, O Lord and lover of humanity, send down
from heaven your healing power, touch their body, quench their fever, soothe their suffering, and
drive out every hidden ailment. Be the Physician of your servants, raise them from their
illness. Grant that we may be well-pleasing to you and do your will through your Church, and
completely restore all to health, for it is you who have mercy and save us.

For you are our God and we give glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen.

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