Cathedral Parish Pays $146,158.61 in General and Admin Expenses

According to the Profit and Loss Statement from the Cathedral for 2020, the Cathedral Parish had to assume $146,158.61 in “General and Admin Expenses.”

Here are just a few of the expenses listed in that category. Why is the parish of St. John’s responsible for a facility owned by the Eparchy? Are our voices and opinions not as important as our bank account?

$11,460 – Eparchial Assessments
$42,729.60 – Plumbing/Waterlines
$23,131.07 – Electricity
$22,752.74- Gas/Oil
$14,940.50 – Water/Sewer

Here is the same category of expenses for other Churches:

Holy Spirit- $84, 979.07
St. Mary’s – $78,609.20

The official financial statements can be viewed here: 2020 Income and Expense Reports

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