Questions/concerns for Bishop Milan Lach

These concerns were sent to us anonymously by a concerned individual. We would love the opportunity to discuss these concerns with our Bishop, Milan Lach. Your concerns are also welcome. Please post and/or respond!

Parma seminarian Bryan Scotton completed entire seminary program, but was never ordained a priest.  What was the reason? 

Subdeacon from Michigan with wife and nine children and an MA from Antiochian Village.  Not accepted by the bishop and has since left for the Orthodox.

Parma deacon students told to not go to the seminary for the start of a new four year session for the diaconate. The program was disbanded by the bishop but nothing has replaced it.

Fr. Andrew Nagrant removed from his parish and told he was going to be made into a hospital chaplain.  Fr. Nagrant is young and capable priest and should be assigned a parish.  He is current the administrator of one.

The quick retiring of four priests in the eparchy.  Not all wished to retire and one is not even old enough to receive social security.  From this, we heard over and over again about the priest shortage in our eparchy.

The immediate firing of Bishop John’s secretary, the only bread-winner in her family.  Replaced by a friend of a Slovak priest’s wife.

The firing of the building manager at the Cathedral Mike Caithaml and his son Ryan.  No reason was given for the firing.  The Cathedral parish hired Mike in 2003 and in 2019 was paying his full salary but was given no say in his removal.  No one has replaced him and the effects of his absence is being felt at the Cathedral complex.

Refusal by the bishop to give dispensation to eat (leftover) turkey meat the day after Thanksgiving.  Not a big deal, but we do have liturgy on the national holiday of Thanksgiving, emphasizing the act of thanksgiving in general.  Friday is simply a continuation of this and has evolved over many years.  Is an example of not willing to understand or accept the American traditions and too forcefully and too quickly condemn them?

Firing of landscaper/snow plower based on cost.  He was a parishioner who has since left our Church.

Some deacons, not all, have been told they will no longer preach a homily at the liturgy.  This is one of the duties of a deacon and a necessary voice for the faithful.

The “announcement” that the Cathedral would be closing in October 2019 was not announced at all.  This was told to St. Mary’s parishioners at their parish meeting and has circulated simply by rumor. 

The “pastor” of our Cathedral met only one time with his pastoral council, May 1 of 2018.  Much of the communication between the bishop and his pastoral council has been done via his lawyer.

Liturgy at the Cathedral is on Sunday only.  Saturdays and holy days were done elsewhere.  No pastoral guidance has been happening at the Cathedral since September of 2018.   The parish there receives only the work of a substitute, but is paying for a full-time pastor complete with pension, salary and medical payments.

Lawyer chosen by the bishop to assist is the same lawyer who was involved with the Cleveland Diocese mergings and suppressions with Bishop Lennon.  14 of these were overturned by the Vatican.

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